Monday, March 25, 2013

The benefits of dogs

This week we have added a member to our family. Well not really, she is just visiting, but we have learned to really love her.

She is an eight year-old Goldendoodle named Ollie. When our son asked us to take care of Ollie the first time, it was only for a couple of days, which was nice. This time it is for ten days and I am really beginning to feel she is a part of our lives.

Ollie is big. She's at least 75 pounds which means she's almost always underfoot and she follows me into the kitchen each time I go there. And it is not a big kitchen!

The great part though, is that Ollie is not a nuisance and she loves to be loved. She gallops over to sit by me on the couch, and with one giant hop, the couch is taken over. She snuggles up and feels warm next to me.

Ollie has given my husband a whole new job, almost six years after retirement. He now walks the dog at the local reservoir, meets new dog owners and their pups, and picks up her doggie business. He happily brushes and feeds and waters the problems there. Ollie sleeps soundly all night, but having her sleep on the bed...oy!

When we wake up, we think Ollie. Throughout the day, we think Ollie. When we go to bed, we think Ollie. What will keep us occupied when Ollie goes back home?

I am not sure, but I do know one thing. I love other people's dogs, especially Ollie. We will miss her when this dog-sitting stretch is over. Do you have a dog?

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