Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Aging Game

This month I will celebrate my 70th birthday.

I have been repeatedly asked how I would like to celebrate the day. Giving some thought to the idea, I have decided that it would most appropriate if I spent the day remembering how it felt to be 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60. I can just sit by the pool with a cool drink and contemplate the fact that I have had such a fine life. I have a great family and wonderful friends. I have reached pinnacles in my career and then moved on from them. I love being semi-retired, but then I love to think about how much fun I have when I am busy working. Reaching certain ages signals some review of how one wants to spend their next years.

Do I want to travel more? I would like to see more of the world, but I am really not willing to go through the trouble of plane travel. After all, I have been many places and done so in relative comfort.

Do I want to sit on the beach? Oh yes, I love that. I have been to many beautiful beaches and enjoyed every one of them. But I can get in my car and be at the beach in an hour. OK, it isn't warm there, but it is the ocean.

Do I want to spend more time with our grandchildren? Oh, you bet! But now the 10 & 12 year olds are busy with their activities and friends..I am glad we still have a baby and a 2 1/2 year old who love having me in their lives. And I have to say, when we are done playing, I am tired!

Do day trips and overnights appeal? Yes...I think that is the way to go. Then when we have visited all of the beautiful sights that California has to offer, I can sleep in my own bed and not eat out at so many wonderful restaurants.

I love to read and garden and swim. I love to watch a good movie and cook a different meal. I love my home and everything in it. I love my spouse.

Aging is swell, if you take care of yourself and those who love you. Simply and with love.

Can I have my cake and ice cream now, please? Oh, and a glass of champagne would be perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, Im approaching 60 - and Im having some of the same thoughts about how I want to celebrate it. Im worried my colleagues are going to do so with black balloons and diapers in my room, I'll have to nip that in the bud. I am not mourning getting older I am celebrating it! But Im also not as active as I was and things I'd like to do to celebrate are rather out of the question. But celebrating with my family, somewhere lovely, surrounded by dear friends would be enough. Might not be by the time I am 70, but for now I am content with the thought.


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