Every year about this time, we see the emergence of flower stalks on our cymbidium orchids. How I love to sit in the living room and gaze out at the delicate flowers with their myriad of colors. They look so perfect as they rise up the stem. They last quite a long time, perhaps 2-3 months. Sometimes I will cut a stem, bring it inside and place it in a long slender vase. Perfect.
Flowering orchids remind me of me. Although these plants are tough...they seem to enjoy companionship. They like to be held tight in their pots with new shoots coming up around the older bulbs. They like to bloom on cue and offer spectacular displays. I try to bloom on cue and though the display may not be so spectacular, at least you know I am always there! Steady and earth mother. I love being around our children and their young families...all shoots coming from my husband and me. Tight within the nuclear family...everyone blooming in their different ways and showing the world their beauty.
What are your favorite flowers and how do you relate to them?
I am also crazy about Daphne!