Looking like the grandma that I am, I treasured the moment when I held a new grandbaby in my arms.
Less than a week old, he slept warmly and soundly as I had the opportunity to cuddle and kiss. How quickly time has flown! He is now a bouncing 27-month-old with so much to say and so much to do. We visit him every week and treasure the time we spend with him.
But time has simply flown by. Our other two grandbabies, who I also held and kissed and cuddled, are now 11 and 9. We get to visit with them when they are not busy with their sports and friends....which is not too often. It is always a treat and makes us realize how very important family is to us.
One thing that we want to do for our family is make sure that we have everything in order for them when they need it most. A simple solution is to get organized...just like with your pantry in the post below. Think about it...and do it. For your family.
So sweet and precious, especially when they're sleeping!